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I am with you on this one sistah! If you can't turn off your damn cell phone or other 'electronic media of communication' for 60 minutes then leave.

One of the things we ask at the beginning of all meetings in our intergroup is that all electronic devices be silenced.

The knitting thing doesn't bother me but then I haven't encountered it much. But I have sat next to people who are cleaning out their purse or wallet (no!) or filing/clipping their nails (bigger freakin' NO!!)

I am so sorry that the meeting went this way for you.

Perhaps it's time for a steering committee meeting. This can help address situations like the one you encountered.

Hope you're doing well.

Keep coming back, you'll find what works for you!


She was back this week. I asked her not to text and she didn't. Will propose we add a reminder to turn off ringer of cell phones to meeting format. I was looking at the current meeting format on the OA web and want to put it to a vote if we want to update our format with the new wording.

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