I'd be all over that shit.
I messed up my brain chemistry when I pulled that all-nighter to finish BugBoy’s costume. I struggle with depression every fall, so the added stress through all of October and then topped off with staying up all night took me over the edge. I’ve been struggling just to get out of bed, hence the lack of posting since Halloween. The Doc says I should be feeling the increased dosage of anti-depressants by Wednesday, so I got that going for me.
I bought a new camera. Hopefully it will be an improvement over the piece-o-crap digital-noise fest that is my Panasonic Lumix. I read such great things about that camera. For months I thought I had simply messed up the settings. It turns out there is a known issue with digital noise. What is the good of having a lens with a great reputation if the software fucks it up? I’ve gone back to Canon. I haven’t yet uploaded any shots from the camera. Depression is a bitch. (Um, is my swearing worse than usual today?)
I bought a bunch of OTC remedies at lunch to add to my flu kit. I’m no longer having kittens about the avian-bird flu (thank you hyper-alarmist media), but I read a post a while back about basics to have on hand during flu season. Mostly common-sense items make up this flu kit. I already have basics like plenty of ibuprofen (or anti-inflammatory of choice) and Vitamin C, but was out of cough medicine, decongestants, and basic cold remedy (Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold tablets work miracles for me). Last night at Trader Joe’s I restocked on broth and a few mild soups. I won’t put together a special bucket of supplies for cleaning and disinfecting the things that may need cleaning and disinfecting in the course of the flu. I’ve got all that crap in my laundry room and if it is too hard for me to grab what’s needed off of assorted shelves then I’m probably too sick to clean up anyway. Usually it is only when I’m sick as a dog that I realize I’m missing medicines and sick-bed foods. I hope the stuff goes unused and I have to throw out when the expiration date passes, but if not I’ll be happy I bought them today.
Um, I feel the need to balance this post with a little happy. I still love my MINI Cooper. She’s a bit rough in first gear, but I think that is my lead foot habit. I’ve only driven 412 miles so far, so I’ve barely broken her in. I need to take a road trip before winter sets in.
Sew, Mama, Sew! is posting a bunch of tutorial links to some awesome handmade gifts. Handmade Holidays: 30 Days of Gifts to Sew! Check it out.
I weighed myself on Saturday; I’ve lost 99 pounds since joining Overeaters Anonymous. Weeee! I posted more about this over at my OA blog WIT. I also went into more detail about my depression.
Good luck to all those pushing themselves to post every day, write novels in a month and post every day in November. Although, reading my blog isn't helping you accomplish that is it? Good thing I'm only posting every eleven days.