I received my Kindle 2 last Thursday. I don’t love it yet. It’s a neat gadget and I think I will grow to like it a lot, but it is a big adjustment.
The text is clear. The default text size is working best. I’d like to go one smaller to reduce number of page turns, but I think I need a stronger prescription for my contacts, or I maybe it’s time for reading glasses.
I feel like I’m hurtling through the text and not taking it all in. I keep clicking the Next Page button too early. I miss the last couple lines and have to go back. I’m too aware of the medium to lose myself in the story. I’m reading an author I’ve never read before, so it could be the writing, but I think it is the Kindle. On Saturday I read for a while and got into the story. I think I just need to train myself that the ebook reader page turn cue comes later than the manual book page turn. It might take a while to override 30+ years of habit.
I decided I want to keep my K2 in a protective pouch along with a stand. There aren’t a lot of commercial options out there for the K2. I like the cases that open like a reporter notebook and can be used like an easel, but they are open on all but one side. Considering the flotsam in my purse I want more protection for this over-priced gadget. Some book shaped covers are enclosed with zippers, but the point is to get away from traditional book format. The best thing about reading with the K2 is eating in public without propping a book up at a good angle and having to hold the pages open. I use my planner to prop the book up and if I can, I wedge the edge of the book under the plate rim. This technique only works well in the middle pages of a book unless I wreck the spine.
I sewed a simple envelope of vinyl on Sunday. Velcro holds the flap closed. It will do for now, but I think more padding would be better. I looked on Etsy for a case, there are two sellers claiming to be the ORIGINAL. Their description text is almost identical except that one uses foam and the other quilted fleece. Their bitter sniping about each other’s products turned me off of both sellers.
Stands are more difficult. I’ve found two easels that are stable, but both are too wide and deep to be ideal. I spent some time in Home Depot yesterday looking for inspiration. I bought some acrylic sheets, some strap hinges and assorted epoxies and glues. I have a design in mind, but implementation might end up being less condensed than the plate stand I’m using in the interim. If only I had a 3D fabricator.