I watched Inglourious Basterds tonight. Even though I knew it was a Tarantino film, I didn't really think about what that meant until I saw the pink mist of gun shot wounds. I only ever read about that in novels, I rarely see it in the films I watch. Movies I watch often have a lot of explosions and high bodies counts, but not the graphic goriness that Tarantino indulges in. Then I sort of forgot again until the first scalping scene. Ick! Again, I never really dwell on how gory scalping can be. I also finished up with Jubal Sackett by Louis L'Amour, the fourth book in the Sackett series. There are scalps taken throughout and I never once pictured the actual act of a knife cutting through the skin and what that would look like. Totally gross.
So once I readjusted my reference frame to include graphic bloody bloodbaths I enjoyed it. It had sat for several weeks by my TV because I read on the Netflix description "spaghetti western" and just wasn't in the mood. I liked it better than I thought I would, but I don't see this ending up in my collection. Pulp Fiction is the only QT movie I own. I can't see that changing any time soon.
Fucking hell, it's almost 1am on Monday morning. WTF am I still doing online. I am such an asshole. Really. Shit.