I'm thinking about buying myself a ukulele for my birthday. After all the fuss I made about turning 40, it's a bit weird how quickly the year went. I think a uke would be fun and I like most of the stuff I'm hearing on the web. But I'm also trying to cut back on the spending, especially on frivolous, under-utilized stuff. Tonight I was thinking about my paper clock kit.
I really wanted this paper clock kit I saw in Signals catalog about fifteen years ago. I asked for it for Christmas, and because it wasn't that expensive I expected to get it. My mom always liked buying me interesting things. When I didn't get it I asked her about it. She said she decided not to get it because I would never make it. This made me angry. How dare she judge me like that. I was so pissed I bought it for myself. It had a huge instruction booklet (~70 pages) and sits in almost mint condition in my closet. Sometimes I think I should just get rid of it, because of all the crap feelings it brings up, but I still think I'll put it together some day.
Anyways, I think I want a ukulele, but will it sit gathering dust like my mom's piano and my old guitar? Probably. Will that cause pain and guilt like the paper clock? Decent starter ukes are about $55 bucks on Amazon. Add a tuner and a instruction song book and it's still under $100. I've wasted much more that that before.
I wonder if a local store would have a used one. Actually, any used string instrument in a music store would most likely be way out of my range.
I think NtF made me a video for my birthday. I'm kind of excited about that.