I wore a red sweater today, but decided my red heart underwear would be too much. I did however give myself a long-desired gift. I had my first electrolysis treatment last night. Weeeee!!!!!
I’ve having my armpits done. Yes, it hurts. Yes, it can take a very long time to achieve permanent hairlessness (could be 12 months of weekly treatments, most likely 18-24 months). Yes, it will be expensive over time. But all I can think of is that someday I will never have to shave my pits again.
I hate shaving. Most people I talk with don’t mind it much, but it is one of those maintenance tasks that seem endless, tedious and expensive. Yet I can’t just let it grow. I am neither a hippy nor European. I tend to grow a bit of a pelt in winter, but now that I do yoga it makes me self-conscience. Plus, if I let the pits go my anti-perspirant isn’t as effective. Long time readers might recall my fear of smelliness.
Did I mention the treated area still hurts eighteen hours later? That is unexpected. Maybe I’m ultra-sensitive? It could be friction from my bra band, she started at the bottom edge of my thatch. I go for a second treatment tonight to start the other side. I’ll ask whether it is normal to still feel it the next day.
I went to this lady because she has been at the same location forever, 23 years, and I don’t know anyone who has had electrolysis done so I can’t get recommendations. Maybe I should try a few places out to get a basis for comparison of skill and machinery. The problem is that the growth cycle for the hair in that area is six months. It will take at least one growing cycle to see how strong my follicles are. There is the distorted follicle element as well. If the follicle is not straight the needle doesn’t get down to the base so it can take many more attempts to actually kill the hair. Plus, many follicles have multiple hairs in them. It is much more complicated than I thought. Everything I’ve read says a lot depends on the skill of the technician.
This could be the start of something beautiful. Or it could be the start of a life-long quest for hairlessness. I can see moving from one area to the next to the next. I would do my legs starting at the ankle next. We’ll see.
Update: The second session went better. Apparently I have more sensitive skin than she thought. Last night she turned down the current a bit (from 65 to 60, whatever that means) and used Benadryl cream before and after to reduce skin reaction. Two hours later the patch was barely pink. This morning yesterday's work was practically invisible and the patch from the day before is still irritated. I was worried, but looks like the side effects are manageable.
I know people who are happy with laser treatments, but I don't know about electrolysis. No shaving would be so nice!!
Posted by: Karen | Monday, February 18, 2008 at 08:34 AM
I asked Sharon about it. She said most of her customers don't know anyone else getting electrolysis done, until they run into one another at her place. She says that most people are there because of embarrassing hair growth from hormone issues. Mostly facial hair that women are reluctant to talk about. She said she hadn't done pits for years. It's a strictly luxurious purchase for me.
Posted by: Dodi | Thursday, February 21, 2008 at 03:02 PM