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I got a flu shot last Thursday and then felt sick all weekend.
I've had flu shots 2 other years and that never happened--?
I also made sure I have chicken soup on hand. Nothing worse than being supply-less and in no mood to go to the store.
I should buy some cough meds and Alka-Seltzer Plus - I always decide I need this stuff when I've been lying in bed unable to sleep for 2 hours, and then I'll take anything we have expired or not, for any remotely-related symptoms.
I also hope to chuck it unused in a few years, but its good to be prepared.

Mel Goodsell

Your mini cooper is gorgeous! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving such a lovely comment.


Love your site! Would love to contact you via email and find out more about your abstinence plan. I just started my OA journey and am wanting to give up sugar.


Gaa! How did I neglect so many lovely comments?

Karen, I used most of my OTC remedies while sick from Thanksgiving through Christmas. I should restock, but I may jinx myself sick again.

Mel, thanks! I still love my cooper after 2.5 months. Sometimes wishing I'd got standard transmission instead of automatic. It's so fun to drive as is, I bet stick is even more fun.

Paula, did you find your way to my OA blog Whatever it takes? http://auntdodi.typepad.com/oa/


Congratulations on the 99 lbs. Yes, can you post your abstinence plan! Best wishes, Linda. http://www.soberliving.com

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