Out of 3013 songs, these are the first 11 songs that played on my iPod this morning when I hit shuffle:
- Ripper Sole - Stomp (Tank Girl)
- A Campfire Song - 10,000 Maniacs (In My Tribe)
- Verlaine - Charles Trenet (French Kiss Soundtrack)
- Angel On My Bike - The Wallflowers (Bringing Down The House)
- Bigmouth Strikes Again - The Smiths (The Queen Is Dead)
- Old Soul Song (For The New World Order) - Bright Eyes (I'm Wide Awake It's Morning)
- Whiney Whiney (What Really Drives Me Crazy) - Willi One Blood (Dumb And Dumber Soundtrack)
- Celebrity - Barenaked Ladies (Everything to Everyone)
- I'm with You - Avril Lavigne (Let's Go)
- Good Drying=Flick it Up And Catch It; The Creepy Zone; Good Drying - Shooglenifty (Live At Selwyn Hall, Box)
- Bonus: Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da - The Beatles (The Beatles)
fav song - I think I have to go with Bigmouth Strikes Again today. Verlaine, Campfire Song, and Good Drying were all in the running for today's favorite.
fav album - In My Tribe - My first real boyfriend and I had an album instead of a song. During the time when we were falling in love but hadn't admitting it yet, we spent a rainy winter day exploring Chicago. Before heading to Chinatown for lunch we spent the morning in a record shop. Matt bought this album. When we got back to his house we sat in his room and listened to this record from beginning to end. Then we played it again so he could tape it for me. It became our album. I wore that tape out during our long distance love and painful breakup. Matt introduced me to so many bands, but this is still my favorite.
seen live - Shooglenifty & Natelie Merchant - I saw Shooglenifty's first ever performance in the U.S. at the Bumbershoot Music Festival in Seattle, August 1997. It was magical. Every time I hear them I'm taken back to sitting on the concrete steps beside the stage. There was a gentle breeze tugging at some long flags and people were dancing and spinning to the music. It was folk and rock all wrapped up in a brilliant energy. I'm surprised I never heard them again. They were so good.
I saw Natelie Merchant at a private concert put on by my company. She said she hadn't performed live for a while and was nervous. She was funny, sweet, and humble as she sang her heart out. I'd go see her again anytime.