Not really a good day for focusing on work. I'm a bit scattered today. I just want to go to bed and stay there for a couple weeks. Not really a good sign for a person working really hard to stay out of the crippling depression I found myself in last winter. Not a good sign at all.
I did a little journaling at lunch, with pen, in a notebook. You didn't think I shared everything here did you? You did? I guess it could seem like it the way I fling personal information around and share too much at every turn. I think some of what I'm feeling this week is seasonal. I always have more trouble in winter. I miss the sunshine. Part of my problem is reaction to working so hard on the costumes and then nothing. From crazy busy to nothing in one day. But I think most of it has to to with resisting the urge to eat compulsively. Without using food to numb myself I am left to deal with emotions I've never learned to cope with.
So, as I intend to start really working my OA program, I've started a separate blog. I created Whatever it takes (WIT) to have a separate place to put my OA related ramblings. I don't know if it will impact the frequency of the posts here at CB or not. We'll have to see. If you are interested in that aspect of my journey I invite you to read WIT too. If you aren't interested, just be happy I'm not going to subject you to any more OA posts.