It's been over six weeks since I ate sugar. This was probably the only Halloween I haven't had candy. Not only did I not eat it yesterday, I didn't buy any during the previous weeks. How many years have I bought Halloween candy as soon as it went on sale and then have to re-buy again and again "for the kids?" Watching TV with a growing pile of tiny candy wrappers next to me. Ugh.
There were some newcomers in my meeting tonight. Hearing them speak reminded me of how much I have learned since the first time I walked into that meeting. I'm proud of myself. I'm not counting my successes by calories or pounds lost now, but how sane I feel right now. I would not have been able to put the energy into BugBoy's costume that I did if I had been practicing my disease this past month.
It is not that the drunken monkeys in my head have gone away, they probably never will entirely. I've just become better at recognizing their chatter for what it is; dangerous deceptions. I'm very grateful I've found Overeaters Anonymous and for the people I've met there.