I spent a few hours this afternoon making a shadowbox for BugBoy. He's been collecting cicada nymph shells for weeks. They've been all over my sister's house in baggies and boxes. I thought they'd make an interesting shadowbox. They do. BugBoy loves it.
Those little boogers are sticky. The legs hook onto everything and break off. I was glad to have so many to work with. One of those bags had a live earwig. Shudder shudder.
Like my new hat? I bought it tonight. I've been letting my hair airdry a lot on weekends and I can't find any of my old caps. When my airdries it can look pretty dreadful, especially if I drive while it's still wet. My AC isn't working right in the car so windows are all down. I don't look very good in baseball style hats so I don't have very many. This one makes me happy though. This is a really good color for me and I *heart* daisies.
That's all. No deep thoughts. Started and completed one "art" project. Watched Roman Holiday. Bought lightbulbs and furnace filters. Talked to a good friend a couple times. A good day. Like my new hat says, sometimes "Life is good."